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Sep 2017
In seafaring the Irish Sea Micks had to ***** their ***** down tight
when they were fleeing the tragical Emerald Isle-wide potato blight
in coffin ships while fleeing the tragic Emerald Island potato blight
across sea water of British-beer **** & blood-pudding turds at night
till morning when the king's ******-loving navy'd make all alright
until morn when the king's ******-porking navy'd make stuff right
by flying high the ****** union jack like the nippers' rising-sun kite
There is no fang-tooth rot in the maddest mad dog's maddening bite
nor argument among jungle carnivores to mark heavy carcases light
as this might make appetites of gristly diets nauseating at first sight
save queen's giblet gobbled by Praetorian guards as was their plight
to paint chain-link mesh with ****** strings whilst losing the fight
plus to wrest defeat from the jaws of victory & disgust from delight
with Julia Child's manly lady fingers attached to her hand of sleight
Mankind can spin the firmament of our flat Earth with all his might
& moxy commensurate to his original cave-living Si-Te-Cah height
before the Aquarian Age advent of **** N.A.S.A.'s gay moon flight
by old Masonic telemetrics in accord with Saturnian/Luciferian rite
to share convulsive retching systemic to spastic or paralyzing fright
that let quacks slice Michael Jackson's crucified neb merely to spite
sodomite Quincy Jones who with drum sticks Will Smith did smite
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