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Sep 2017
Bold, plumbed fixtures make for forceful flushes. I am a 44-year-vaginal-yeast-infection survivor and I love it! During the 1970's my vaginal-yeast infection defined & defied & defiled my girly womanhood & my womanly girlhood, oh yeah!!! ****-diving champion Rachel F. "Mad Cow" Maddow never dove a **** too tough. Ray-Cha-Cha Mad-Doe-Doe is a 23-year-vaginal-yeast-infection provider. It is likely that not ever will I exclaim publicly, with authority: "Dime Bag's been hit!" Eyeing passed floating flotational devices, foundations, kidneys & ribs I trip the phantasmagorical lightning agog, aghast & flabbergasted. "Jesus Christ! Dime Bag's been hit!"; "Allāh be praised! Dime Bag's been hit!" Corporatocratic judgements are the purview of corporators. Syndicratic judgements are the purview of syndicators. Satanic judgement is the province of Satan. Nympholeptic blessings are bestowed by nympholeptics (practitioners of nympholepsy). Widespread saturation saturates stuff spread widely.
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