Ya I'm talking to the 50 year old guy at the bar Telling him how growing up is nothing but a big fat *** scar But **** it
Ya Im waking up at 6 am but Im still drinking like its the weekend But **** it
Ya Im the one dancing on my own without anyone even playing a song But **** it
Ya I cut everyone out of my life But Im speaking to this drunk old guy and he seems fine So **** it
Ya Im spending every penny Im making. Even though I got to take care of who made me They're growing old and its crazy But **** it
Ya Im holding hands with the bartender Ya I texted my crush on tender Ya I sent a creepy fangirl essay to that singer But **** it
Ya Im kinda depressed and Im creating such a mess But **** it
Ya this system is making all of us opressed And Im a slave working day and night But still ******* my work up Im trying to pull it together but they think Im not even tryin' SO **** IT
Ya Im screaming my lungs out at you saying **** this world And **** IT So **** IT
Ya Im 22 and you think I'm being over dramaticly blue But **** it
Ya my anxiety is kind of paralyzing me right now and I can't move But **** it
Ya I seem weird cause I am weird So **** IT
ya I might be damaging myself But I dont know any other way yo exist So **** ... it