For U.S. marines *** rights are earned during their boot-camp days like when David Hasselhoff spent his T.V. time bay-watching bays, in the era Reagan occupied his senile mind hoarding guns with rays while selling Latin American Marxists missiles to prove crime pays during our presidential-election cycle in its suspended-reality phase when Hawaiian babes charge nothing for their flowery, virginal leis to celebrate the Hawaiian Babes' Free Flowery, Virginal Leis craze featuring tropical ******* & purpley nips guaranteed to amaze in the orchid-rained-in-depths of our historically blue-blooded haze upon the moon's far side where-from souls are dispatched by Grays there are no Jimmy Swaggart-$10-Johns anointing ***** with praise while damning hell-fire Christians to the horror of a martyred blaze with the stripping of their hide & bone like South Sea catfish fillets to shock fish skin like shockers do during a Sargasso Sea sprat tase Queer-bait baseball gowns fall groundward without stiff dress stays for proper white players and for those of token **** Willie F. Mays