To my imagined love Forget the giraffe ride, Our desert trek On a magic carpet ride. Life spoke. Reality listened, for once. And the taxidermist stopped the game. For what was once painfully alive is now stuffed. It hurts. To have seen the tears in the giraffe's eyes, His mirrored innocence Forever immortalized in my memory. Undoubtedly, Now sitting in someone else's collection. And to have imagined the howls of the Serengeti Me wrestling with the lions, Valor shining, Saving you from the lions, All in the sunset of your hair blowing in the wind, Wild fires, too Flames abound, erecting. Yet All this fairy tale, Angel dust seeding from where Who knows? Maybe from catching the look in your eyes, once. But the tears of the giraffe, His innocence Mirrored Was for forever real, my love. Bye, my imagined love.