After watching Irma terrorize Florida and the Caribbean This is what appreciation looks like
I appreciate that:
I have hydro with which to make my morning coffee That the roof is still on my home The car I drive is on four wheels and not on its side
There is a place to jog this morning free of debris The roads to get to work are safe and passable My job is waiting for me at its usual place and time
The basement is high and dry The bus will arrive to take the kids to school And it is not a wading pool
There is no search and rescue Nor a curfew No evidence of a storm
Well rested after a night in bed No howling winds and banging instead Hunkered down in the dark would not have been a lark
Thank goodness for the early warning system The many helping hands So many agencies to heed the call
Standing up against the wall of flood Thank you to all the brave souls Who were out on patrols
We appreciate that which we have And a speedy recovery for those that have loss Of any kind