as it was with Germany's National Socialists throughout W.W. 2, that Jews (religious adherents to the Scriptural teachings of the tribal congregation of Judah) constitute an anthropological race. ย ย Lesbians can raise children like nuns grow grapes because lesbians can raise grapes like nuns grow children while children like nuns more than lesbians do grapes. With a Saddam Hussein for everyone and every purpose, we stamp grapes with our *****-stamp tattoos, have a bath party and fake our executions. ย ย Tough people are reaped with the scythe of Metropolis because Chaz-spazzed homosexuality exists. But, must it thrive? Must masturbatory *** be promoted? Must heterophobia win the day? Did Lรช ฤแปฉc Thแป crap out too soon for nothing?