Behind every beauty, lies another beauty- A beauty that speaks louder and paints The true colours of the beauty behind.
Behind that beauty, is a slippery world of walls Where all men must endeavour to climb In order to win the banner of trust And to achieve the trophy of love. Behind that beauty is sadness lurking Just behind those extraordinary eyes.
Behind that beauty is a tale to tell. A roller coaster ride That speaks Of Love, loss, pain, gain Heartbreaks and Victories. Behind that beauty lies humility Formed by numerous experiences. A door leading to a bit of ugliness inside in disguise. A past full of histories of negativity, ills and wrongs And once there dwelt insecurity and vanity In an age of immaturity.
Despite these poisons, Failure failed to corrupt that beauty Or crush the human decency behind that beauty Behind that alluring smile lies An enticing heart, It’s a paradise of scam, a world full of shames That aims at nothing tangible-yet stakes a claim to fame Expecting bows before a throne of jealousy.
A beautiful foundation that once Held an unstable core of emotions That ran deep with contempt and scorn For those who tried to guess at what lay beneath, Holding secret desires that beauty within, Played hide and seek… It seems there's so much beauty That lies behind that beauty..