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Sep 2017
Why are you here you may ask
you ask yourself, who did this
Who is behind that divine mask
who had the power to create it

Was it god, who can be everywhere
who started with the light
Or was it just coincedence
that started all this life

But whatever first stepped out of the void
brought with it, however the creation of light
to fathom this is not my desire
I dont want to add more fuel to this fire

No Im just here to tell you all
to love your life no matter how small
the happy things in life might seem
Just live it and you will see what I mean

Humans are here to hate and love
To live their life right next to yours
they can be happy, sad, angry and still
might be worth to have their free will
Be happy that you and your life exist
because life is something that some dead would miss

But humanity is not the core at all
there are beetles and whales, one big, one small
lions and wolves, fish and birds
They all live with us and walk the same dirt

There is so much out there, thats worth to be there
so many lives that breathe the same air
Think of this the next time you stray
pathless around and look for your way

Maybe one time you will remember and laugh
because now you understood life and learned how to love
Written by
Fynn  21/M/Germany
   India Hares and Nat Lipstadt
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