I an a warrior that sood up for his countries way of life only to be spit on for what he did when only a boy. I am nothing is ever going to be as easy as it was before. I am truthful, honest, and loving and this is difficult to accept to those that I meet. I am surrounded by liars, fakes, and cheats. I am the spoken words of a poet whose words are real and says what he feels. I am the poet who writes about finding that one real love that he looked for all of his life. I am the tender kiss of two lovers that lied to each other when they said that it was forever. I am the goosebumps on the back of her neck when she lied to me and was found out. I am the silent screams of a broken heart who knew it would happen that way from the start but chose to stay. I am the poet who writes about losing love because of his actions and his in-actions. I am the material possessions that just weren't quite good enough for her. I am the pen that writes so many beautiful words about her that she will never read or feel. I am the keys of a piano that makes sounds that no one listens to. I am the Phoenix that rises out of the ashes to get back on his feet even with all of the heat. I am alone and like it that way but know love will come back to me someday. Iam.... Jon York 2012