To the stars that listen and hold me close when I am on the brink of losing my sanity; When the world stands before me, Holding a gun towards my temple To the stars that listen and keep me company on days where loneliness and I have shared a bed and the darkness inside of me grows, consuming all the color I once saw To the stars that twinkle in response, as the tears stream my cheeks, reminding me that beauty is never something you can keep To the stars that have made better friendsΒ Β than people, Thank you for holding me Thank you for loving me Thank you for pressing love into me, When I felt hate gripping and burning at the insides of my chest Thank you for reminding me who I really am Thank you for being distant and understanding But also, Thank you for always being there for me when it felt like nobody really was
Love, Angel
Not sure why it feels like half the things I write now, sound off. But I wanted to share this as well, so I hope you enjoy this little thank you note I've written the Stars