Maybe it's me and the way I see Opposed to... instead of cut and dry For non inspired I grow so tired And wonder why so many do deny
That for every action there is idk Nothing I guess and I must confess Have they never played with a yo-yo Maybe for them unwinding alone is success
How sad to live in directionless parody And see naught beyond the simple vain Where up is up and down is down And no thought is applied to entertain .......anything between
No way could I pollute my mind with So narrow a flow through stagnant mass That plows without question the absent quest Where direction is a one way mirror or simply glass
Now you see it you don't or maybe won't So does peek-a-boo become a lifelong magic trick Where not seen will always mean it no longer exists Therefore the choice chosen was all there was to pick
No way such infertile soil could ever grow a garden Beyond self serving and slowly diminishing seeds That resist all changes in the status quo they know Satisfied with letting the world become fields of weeds
Where I guess I dont see the glass as simply all that's seen So I ask this simple value to be more colorfully embued With all that can be seen and more than even imagined Which will mean that all new thoughts or directions include
And not become all hung up by a one way you view alone And see how easy it is to allow this little seed to sprout Is standing up for what you believe harder than sitting down For what I may believe and isn't that the very point Of what Colin'Kaepernick is doing and what its really all about ?