I turned inward because of outer loss I began a gown it was made from sorrows thread the eyes and Heart led my hands and fingers dark were the colors that flowed off of my lap down to the floor Sadness held me in a pall although wistful thoughts slipped in they teased and at those times the fabric Glowed with richness they rolled back up my arms across my hurting chest into my mind they broke Like the every promised morning after darkness will be the dawn that you just wrote about what a Blessed creature we are to have such treasured ones as our very own then it seems they leave us alone What error they go to be one with he who is all I guess sorrow is the great guide but we are misled by its Purpose it doesn’t lead on down a path of hard ship but by the ever living stream where vibrant life is On display natural life with so many limitations see them now add all the times they were striking times They stood so tall and poised there soul was electrifying now multiply those and other sweet times and You’re getting close to their immortal wonder you have to feel its tender wafting passing across your yard Through the door right into your heart it sweeps yes it distills those heavy laden tears for beads on the Gown you are creating how fitting and joyous its end will be different than its beginning now rich And thick with meaning put It with your other gowns and it will out shine them all bless you today Addy