Drop, tuck & roll, hard coke makes coal in the wilds of Australia minus mammalia. It is a con & a pain, borderline insane when Β½ grilled Colby cheese slowly melts for trappers trapping muskrats for muskrat pelts. The common halves: Β½ ***, Β½ dollar, Β½ ton, Β½ way, Β½ way house, Β½ way there, Β½ baked, Β½ cup, Β½ sister, Β½ done, Β½ mast, Β½ dead, Β½ naked, Β½ ply, Β½ awake, Β½ tablespoon, Β½ asleep, Β½ hour, equally divide me. Hi, I'm Tim Walmart. Glad to meet you Mr. Walmart. I'm Todd Kmart. Are you related to Bob Family Dollar? No.