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Aug 2017
The city is lit up like the inside
Of a lamp on fire
Its Friday
Everyone know it Friday
My skin feels tired
Got up earlier today.

We're so glad its Friday
We work so hard to no real end
So the moments where we can dress up
Waltz and move like we
Own a little bit a somethin'
Even if its just our own
It feels so good
It feels so good
To be free in the night of the city.

I've been a recluse lately
Ditching, bailing, talking only when necessary
Its been about a month since
I tasted the skin
Of a man.

I don't wanna do the hard work
The getting to know you dance
Got no room
Got no room
No, no room right now.

I came home last night and missed the past
Like you woulda been hear waiting
With glasses of wine
And some extra good good lovin'
But that ain't true

I've forgotten that feeling
Of the chaos
Covered in condiments
Because I long for companionship
And always have.

I told my mama she gotta stop
Stop stop stop it
She ain't go no self control
And while its all been such a horror
I know all the stories
I'll tell.
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
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