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Aug 2017
do not sport an emblem, i implore you,
may you even -
mark it in latin:
   however the grammar
shifts: wether
from left to right...
i have no currency on
the matter of states...
      there is no:
         causa est signum:
if the attire fathoms
   the depths of the dead
i am glad, if marks the least,
and i am,
the lustful father willing
his remnant son
to remain, bound to a justified
norm, of what little life has to offer,
and what muchness, a woman
always carves into man,
cheapened by a tattoo
man relegates himself to
           in order to compensate;
i ask you only to have
my words: as you might hold my whip...
and tell the difference
between grit and grip,
   to never smooth over the rough,
and never make
the rough: the glid - ever "bewildered"
by a lake...
      ensure the lake
remains an artefact less examined,
bound to the mythology of a settled
sun, rather than a sun-set,
overcoming the chance reflection,
and with over-coming mirror anticipation:
the lost preserver of reminiscent dues.
guide away from this conclusion,
as read, as readied, as reasoned with,
as revealing, self-evidently resembled:
thus conjured into a continuum;
performed once,
over many years performed a second,
a third, a fourth time...
countless it would seem by the fifth:
thus, perfected.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
   Tia Imani Rose
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