Last night I said my prayer. Right before I fell to sleep. Giving dues of respect to the lord.
I did my prayer for those I do and don't know. And that the thoughts of God keeps them close. A selfish prayer never accomplish anything. So I personally see nothing in that to proclaim.
Well, today I woke up.-Truly bless. So thankful to see another day.
While knowing someone probably didn't make it.
Alive one second, minute or hour. And gone within one of them. But there are reasons. That I can't answer. The time was layed out in God's plans.
I don't question him about who he chose. It's his world. He alone rules.
I just know. Today, I woke up so thankful. For him allowing me to see another day. And like last night. I said a thankful prayer. To blessed by your guiding eyes and care.