To the serious seeker To the late night watcher of a double feature Each of us is responsible to a holy God We can either receive or reject I bet your sorry that we met But no one is perfect except for the Lord Many of us stumble at his word Yet it all comes down to what he did on the cross this was never meant to be a tragic loss Our flesh hates the things of God Wants to instead serve sin, self & Satan It's not a one time shopping event at your local seven eleven It's all based upon a cross Jesus Christ died 2, ooo years ago on the cross for all the world to see What was his prayer what was his final plea Father please forgive them for they know not what they do He said the prayer now the rest is up to you Just like after 911 we all need to come together Until you walk in another persons shoes you have no right to sing the blues... God is faithful to his call such as a boy with a bat and ball Hitting it across the street at the mall Sin is actions in which humans rebel against God Miss their true purpose for their lives Surrendering instead to the prince of the air more then God cause all their deeds were evil We all fall short of the glory of God Take some time out to smell the roses Everyday is a gift a new start to begin again Learn to take it one day at a time You can't find it in the clouds or even a sign Start to really love each other brother No one is perfect except for the Lord Even the best it bound to fall So you are seeking inspiration just look around you Heal the hurts & wounds that bind you Learn from each of your mistakes Choose to keep your head up & walk by faith In time you will shine Stop worrying and bringing yourself down Don't ever wear your head down in a frown We all make mistakes in this great game of life Crisis maybe an opportunity to change Live your life the best way you can Look to the man who died for you with a plan Faces your fears with sweet angelic tears