For instance look the words "hello poetry" If we break down hello you get hells low or o hell no Poetry "poet" means a "collection of" "Ry" means "art of" So poem means a collection of art We have a job job in hebrew means "persecute" When we work a week (weak) We make our earning (urn) Which urn is ashes for the dead By the time the weekend comes we are weaken (weekend) We say good morning Mourning is what you do after someone has died And when you a-wake Up in the morning lol A wake is a party for the dead So you're literally saying "I'm mourning after someone has diedand I'm going to party " every day on the conscious superconscious and subconscious without awareness When you pray you become the prey N what precisely are you preying about A blessing which means "b"-" less " So When you say "bless" you you're saying "be less of you" Also noticed the word "it" It is associated with many definition or deaf phoenicians It is defined as a third person Such as Nike's SLOGAN "just do it" "Its up to you" "let me at it" "Its not that hard" "let it be" "it ain't nothing" just a few to name We are casting sp-ells without even knowing "it" Most folks go to the gospel or Godspell So if we break it down el is God God is an anagram for dog Also com-mon is a word used alot Com means together mon means one So common means together as one Uni also means one verse means truth So the meaning is "one truth" Think it ain't illegal yet crazy right Study the pre-fixes (before fixed) suffixes (suffer because of it) and root word origins or etymology (study of true sense and meaning) and you'll see how they tricked us ito witchcraft There's a reason they are "curse" words