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Aug 2017
we have reached the era,
where music has reached
the status of scent -
music is so abundant,
so exponential,
that it equals the status
of perfumes -
the deconstruction of
the wind,
into the drum-kit construct
of rhythm,
the very african base for
it has created a plethora...
there is so music in the air,
that it's hard to keep up...
i see this as the first major
implosion of the pentagram...
i don't know what
sight is based upon,
but there can't be a plethora
of it... given some things
are visible, and other are
  this is the grand libra pivot
            how scent merged
with music,
   to describe itself between
    classical music had
little rhythm in terms of drums,
and had little melody,
conquering the space
with liszt ior chopin technique...
  modern music is much
about drums, and so little about
well, in fact, it is far more melodic
than classical music...
   for there is a base...
the more simple the music
    the more melodic is its tact...
a **** or a slapstick moment
is always more funny
than elaborating the "joke"
into a witty anecdote...
        by now we scent more "colours"
than actually see more,
the orange of mango,
the orange of a mandarin,
     the yellow of a banana,
the yellow of a lemon,
  the green of a cucumber,
the green of a watermelon...
thankful i am,
to be alive, when the plethora
of scent, congregates with
the explosion of music,
  just what the white dude would
do, having exported africans
to america, and abandon
the winds, and take to drum
his right of being, against the earth.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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