A man named Donald Coffin We emailed each other quite often Mr. Coffin was 93 years old He had stories that were the best ever told Mr. Coffin’s motor coach bus knowledge unmeasurable I would hear within the email of the vast bus models he knew I started calling him Dad He would always say yes young lad The acknowledgement and theory of my every question of buses Dad answered my numerous questions without every tiring Because of his bus industry devotion I am trying to get a plague made being my motion I want it placed at the Museum of Bus Transportation in Hershey, Pennsylvania Mr. Coffin was instrumental at the museum itself His bus knowledge was like a bookshelf However, I was told by a person at the museum there wasn’t any space The thought they need to erase I have been to the museum twice I find it hard to believe However, I am backed up by Donald Coffin’s Son so I am relieved Buses were my second Dad’s commitment and my project being determined My preservation having indication Salute to Dad The remembrance of Donald Coffin being his student lad.