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Aug 2017
A crowded space
I'll often be among hundreds of humans
And I will feel an intense aloneness
In a sea of energy.

Life is short
And life is ******* long.

Ticking them off like notches on my belt
I return to the land of disassociation
And secretly mourn
A pretty boy losing interest in me
I'm the best at creating my own romantics.

I stood in line for the porta *****
And I saw you in my head
My mind again
This person that doesn't exist in my world yet
We laughed together, resisting the urge to wet ourselves
For that animalistic sense of relief
You were my best friend
You will be my best friend
Wherever you are out there.

I've started to exclaim that again
We've hit that stage once more
"Where is he?!"

I'm not sure
And for once
I give up.
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
   Weeping willow
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