You were unexpected. You were my other half. Our stories were the same of how we both came to be. But yet we were different. ... I lived to be sixteen. And you weren't even born. Only 13 weeks into our mother's pregnancy that you were here. You were going to be the second Capricorn. We were both produced out of mistakes. But mother would always say "happy accidents." Why did you have to leave us? We had your name picked out, Jonah Sebastian Justice. But you passed away before hearing it. Why did you go? Why did you leave? I'll still remember hearing that our mother had a miscarriage, I had to work that day. I thought it would help. It didn't. But I held through well enough until I got home, can't cry at work. Why did you die? Why couldn't you have been strong? I hope you're well now, wherever you are. I hope you're safe. I hope you come back. I hope somewhere, wherever your soul it, that you know and remember who we are.