Apricot kernels is the cure for cancer? Au contraire! Apricot kernels abound in hydrocyanic acid! Hydrocyanic acid in its industrial form is prussic acid (a druggist prudently refused to sell prussic acid to Lizzy Borden); prussic acid as a fumigation agent against typhus it was commercially marketed as Zyklon B and used in concentration camps throughout Europe during the second world war. Incidentally, apricot kernels cure sickle cell anemia; apricot kernels moderate blood pressure. AND polystyrene, commercially marketed as Styrofoam, is known as ****** & ****** B when sprayed on the hapless citizens of Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Japan, Iraq, Afghanistan & Cambodia.
βͺβͺβͺ ALL Facebook cancer sites are pity parties. People are beat down by a disease that afflicted 3% of the American citizenry in A.D. 1900 to a projected 50% by year 2020. A fact that few people know: a cancer patient who dies from an opportunistic infection during immunologically-suppressive chemico-/radio-/cryo-ablative "therapies" is statistically a cancer-treatment success story. Currently cardiovascular disease & cancer alternate as #1 & #2 in regards to leading causes of death. Unsurprisingly, folks who succumb to heart attacks, aneurysms & strokes had cancer while those who died of cancer were cardiac patients taking prescribed blood thinners & statins. It's a mad dash to the grave between these 2 diseases of malnutrition.ο»Ώ