funny, today I woke up with a lot of "what it's?" "What if this, that or the other?" Hadn't even got out of bed yet and my mind started... Then suddenly I thought, " What if I just Be?" Just, loving, happy or sad, open, etc. Just Be whatever, wherever, however. What if, I just Be in the moment and let me work through the moment, in the moment, with the moment... and just Be? I can't change the past, I do create my future but that can't be done if I don't just Be in the moment, the present moment. The past can't changed, at all. The future can't be created, if I can't be present now! So, today just Be wherever you are, whatever you want, feel what you need, work with what comes up and create. It's all gonna work out with all the downs, ups and some time... It's gonna be alright.