She stood in the garden, alone, and spoke aloud. "I so wish I could hear your voice again. There's just a snippit left in my's been so long. The quirky laugh, so nonchalant, as I remember, questions requiring deeper thought, and yet the answers were always so easy. The tone which I at first never expected but later identified with you and only you...and still do..if I were to only hear it again...match it to that snippit I play over and over again more times than I care to admit...well then maybe then I would feel how I felt the last time we spoke.... Like I was vital, loved, scared, and yet safe all at the same time. Sometimes...but only on a very rare occasion, do I wish that I could turn that snippit off. Just so I wouldn't have to miss you for a moment or two. " "And who has loved like this ? " she asks herself pitifully. " Only me."-...she whispered in self reply, as he listened quietly from behind the northern wall, never making a sound, before turning and going on about his day. Just as one lone tear waters the gardenia.