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Aug 2017
no, really, learn it from me,
this can't can't get any better...
youtube videos by
   please please, i'm not being
mean: just ******-well pedantic...
wait... what's that word?

     say it again, lay-sure?
leisure studies?
              lesion studies?
the **** am i reading, russian, or hebrew?
i'm scratching my head
like the first monkey that thought
up a sling-shot Y...
and i'm still scratching my head:
sumthin'... sumthin': to crack
open this coconut... hmm?
head to toe, sensai bow head-bang
the ****** open?!
scratch scratch... maybe tomorrow.

you really could cast this orangelo
kid into the quicksilver role for
the x-men movies...
      humming along to sweets in dreams:
homie!? what? d'ough....
                       ******* nut-case.
me? i'm always in a party mode:
   i'm the ******* protagonist in
a b-movie, whatch'ah expect?
good luck sergeant;
   do you take two or too spoonfuls with
         your coffee, or half and some cream?

i still don't know what this american
is talking about...
   some people who moved fresh off the boats
biding by the gates of dover
find the scots hard to understand...
me? the irish... i can't stomach their
clover turned spinach turn of phrase...
scots? oh i get them...
   i just think of them as: she'k'shee...
shean! get yir *** out of the *******
elevator! not 'avin these hush overtones
when i'm not even in a turkish diner
ordering a shish kebab...
     dinner....          dye-ner...
               and all you get is a missing N....
dim went the lightbulb:                d'uh!
high as a ******* kite,
  and all i have to compensate is a mouse
on a dog-leash...
   that high bit... yeah... drunk...
   ******* my rockers... who who minds?

this is not exactly going to lullaby me...
i don't know whether this
american is saying:
leisure (lay-zschechshzshch....
   oh you know, the english tend to complain
about slavic words having
too many consonants segregating
the vowels...
  a stick has two-ends...
   the slavs complain about the post-germanic
amalgam of english saying:
  anything that sounds the same -
but otherwise is written differently:
   buggers are naked!
    how do you actually begin to
write a distinction between
dinner        &                     diner
   (dim-ner vs. dye-ner?!),
or   (the less bewildering scenario of)
   leisure                   &        lesion -
              shoo-ba(h)               shoobaba(h)...

a double u that is actually a double o...
   well... so much for vv...
                                if ever a language
be stranded at belshazzar's feast...
                                            it would be english!
****-naked adam gaius pretending
to own the world because he's treating
insomnia with a linguistic span of:
from australia! to alaska! via greenwich
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
       --- and wordvango
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