It is a lonely night here, As with all nights I have witnessed in Sydney. The cold licks at my feet the same way My cat back home used to with my hands. I miss the warmth of a Malaysian day, A steady flow of vape clouds and gaming To which there was no end. The course I've taken upon myself does it's job at making me feel that My intellect is inadequate - A days worth of reading and Nothing has been retained. The notes I have penned have Seemingly done me no good.
I'm afraid of many things - And fear seems to be a mistress To me lately. She curls up next to me As I try to slip into slumber, Whispers words of regret in ever Leaving and runs her fingers Through my hair, as a glimpse of she Who I had come to love Crosses my mind. Forever longing to be with her, The one soul I cannot have right now, The one smile and laugh and voice and kiss That I cannot bear to be away from, Is the only one I ever think about.
I have made myself so miserable Through the irony that is my decisions.
I miss her and a part of me hopes in entirety that the coming months go past as fast as they can.
I can't even write properly. My heart is in a different continent.