Cope comes with hope Yesterday arrives having a tomorrow Sorrow is a temporary morrow The wonders of the soul But let me assist you with a behold In time of sorrow and struggles, our Savior should call A divined prayed to Heaven that doesn’t stall There is always a connection But you must make the first step being participation Remember Christ died for us The world wonders what is the fuss? It was struggles and prosecution our Lord went through We as flesh must walk through trials and tribulations These are to be This is what the Savior wants us to see A taken soul having a rising height The Lord promised, there is Heaven you shall be But keep praising and enterprising salvation There is no occasion nor fashion It’s the merciful Savior who is worthy to be honored and praised Through the Lord’s goodness comes his amaze But let me comfort your heart When you feel alone, the Lord lets you know you are not alone However, the Lord always lets it be known Day after Day, year after year it will always be shown Walk and talk with the Lord Pray until If you are an alcoholic and want to quit, God is the remedy and will help you overcome If you do drugs, the same principles applies But you must take the first step in giving god a try Life is about everlasting Now the Savior conquered his struggles So shall we But the Lord is the sustaining key Death did not hole the Lord down He is in Heaven looking down on Earth walking around However, Death shall not hold us down either We too as souls will know one another We will be able to touch each other Those that died prior, we will see and talk again So love one you loss who died in Christ rejoice Joy will bring happiness, gladness and inspiration But before I go This I want you all to know Father I pray for each Poet Please let them have understanding and wisdom Continue to bless them with every given word and write Open the minds of the reader having exploration being the Poet’s power having might This I pray Oh Lord Praise and honor being the accord I thank you Lord, Amen.