Fate has choked on us Our life driven by wind on monstrous sea Conquered by our friendly foes Invoking death and tears accompanied with plague On our fatherland . Tonight, we bury our deads For the they have joined our ancestors Let us dress up our wounds for our visit To the ancestors has been postponed Let us sharpen our blades and smoothen our spears For this is just our prologue . May fear not be the guest But the gods in their very best As we sit round the fireside, May the gods ignite the fire inside Sing! For this is the last dirge our lips would sing Lay the young ones to sleep and sing them sweet lullabies That they may take shield in their tender dream . We fight back Like Herculean with strength on We write fate with ink on the clouds Commanding death on our foes like rain on pastures No one tell our story like us! . Balogun David Tolulope {drunk poet} IG-@acedadrunk_poet Šī¸2017