Rock pools scattered with salty froth drain quickly to reveal life Little shrimps cling to samphire The rushing white wave beats to the shore creeping gingerly to the rock cave as if it has been there before. The midday sun settles for the afternoon the sunbathers just begun their timed basking on the dune. A weathered dry oar lies abandoned on the sand from an old boat together with bits of ******* washed to the shore just lying there, anything that would float. Cracked shells, washed pebbles, and bits of flint in blues, greys, creams and coral coloured stone lie draped around the edge of the beach with seaholly, blue grass and bits of fish bone. The smell of the sea washes against your breath you feel alive, but your skin feels dry lie salt the breath taking views make you good to be there It is just nice to hear the wind, the sea, the gulls the call of the dolphin , it is just nice to be alive.