i wanted to message, ask if you're okay but it feels silly and pointless with everything going on.
i don't want to be a 'me' without 'you'
i feel numb. to the facts and events about to come. all i can think of is finding a way back to you right now. that's my mission. that's what i have to, need to, focus on.
i'm trying so hard to keep things together. for you, for me, for us. but it's so hard when all i feel like is im failing at being an ounce bit of comfort.
the reason i'm rather reluctant to share happier stuff is because i'm selfish too. sometimes i only want to share with a selected few. you're always one of the few though, just incase you had a moment of doubt.
there are happy moments amidst the struggles and they make living life, all the much more bearable (praise be to God).
I miss you to smithereens. To bits and pieces.
my best friend is getting married and i miss her to the moon and back and beyond