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May 2012
I am The Christmas Angel that sits atop your tree
No one's seen more Christmases than your Christmas!
I've been around since time began and I was at the first
Christmas celebration that has since whetted the thirst
Of nations spread out globally who celebrate the Lord
Remember, I was the one who arrived and did deliver the word.
I represent to many folks a time of Christmas past
Of joy and love and family we all did hope would last
To others, I'm a symbol of the Guardian Angel who
Came down out of the heavens and spread the word anew
I am only what you see in me, I may be just a toy
But to others I'm the messenger who told about a boy
I've seen alot atop this tree, more than just this place
I've seen people fighting for the right to dignify their race
The Lord himself is many things in churches all around
He is not just one icon, there are many to be found
His story is not lost in time, and if I may be so bold
They even say his story is The Greatest Ever Told!
I came down that night to tell the tale to the shepherds in the field
I told them of the little child and how their fate was sealed
I gave them all directions to follow the Brightest Star
For even if they lost it, I will still know where you are
They made their way to Bethlehem months after he was born
But still they followed what I said and arrived one early morn
From where I sit I'veΒ Β seen some things that just do not make sense
I've seen nations put up blocking walls instead of just a fence
They believe in the same deity but they have a different name
Then they fight for years and die for naught and no one is to blame
Some people do not put an Angel on their tree
They put up stars....or baseball caps....but I still know it's me
I watch the spirit die in homes where Christmas has grown stale
Where greetings are all limited to saying hi by mail
In other homes I've seen the joy that little children gain
They gather round the tree and join in a choral song refrain
For all I've seen and I've seen much, there is no better sight
Than to see our soldiers sleep in peace upon a Christmas night
And through the years there is one thing that I have to ask
That is how in our God's name...did this tree get up my ***?
Roger Turner - Poet
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
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