They had married at a very young age At the time they thought it was a game. They had been together for a long time and he thought that everything would be fine.
They had lived together for two years or more And they thought they knew the score. At seventeen years of age they felt they knew it all And life was to have a ball.
With part time jobs they paid their bills Living together was such a thrill. Not having to worry about a curfew hour Now “ they had all the power”.
Going out partying every weekend Not thinking of the money that they spent. Coming home late at night , being drunk They would start to fight.
She started feeling some ******* pain And from this point on their lives would change. She went to her doctor to check it out Pregnant she was - there was no doubt.
Now their eyes opened to the fact From this point on there was no turning back. They now had a child on the way And they could no longer go out to play.
He got a full time job and straightened up his act And a better position he would have to attack. He went back to school To get a better education And to give his wife and child all that he could give And with both their incomes they would have to live.
She worked for seven months till she Could work no longer, and to get their house in order. When she went to the hospital because her time was due She found out she was having not one but two.
She gave birth to a beautiful boy and girl He was a diamond and she a pearl. The most precious babies you’d ever want to see And he was the proud father - as proud as can be.
They struggled like most couples do But he was determined to see it through. She took her children and held them tight For in their faces she saw their fathers might.
His love so strong for his family And this is what they all did see. And the rest is history.