Maybe its better to have nobody, then have a leach Wretched over every facet waiting to dissect you in the most gruesome of ways
Maybe it's better to be bored And unknowing than to be poisoned by waves of euphoria Or the parasitic ***** that run this town
Maybe it's better to love simply for the sake of it, thriving off this new energy he brings you, than searching for a soul too much like yourself
Maybe it's better to be content I think Then I think again, maybe it's better to be sad happy lonely angry scared because that way I'll never stagnate
Maybe it's better if I carry all my doubts to the great mother Rather than carrying the **** through life with trembling hands Putting my faith in something larger than this faulty machine
Maybe the rage gives me power Makes my writings fly straight off the page and into your bloodstream
Maybe I'm the main character In a show like the twilight zone ..Or twin peaks Where I'm the only sane one left here to document it all
Maybe I'm happy for once and the serotonin just hasn't resumed It's fill line yet..
Maybe Just maybe All the answers and all the possibilities are here Questioning me