For so long it seems I have yearned to see some light and a way out of this self-imposed darkness and suddenly I saw the light at the end of this tunnel that I have been in and realized that I don't need it anymore.
I don't need her lies and I don't need her backward WALMART country ways and for sure I don't need her "my way or the highway" controlling days.
We all have stories WE WILL NEVER TELL but she chose to lie and everybody knows why and she gets by on what she can sell to those around her as she lives in her own private Hell.
I am tired of writing poems about "happy ever afters," "true love," and "the one" because it has all been said and done in a world of disappointments, cheaters, and "happy never afters."
If you have never been there do not think that you know the way but maybe you will see someday and learn what games you must play.
I was much too strong for her and I gave her so much more than she deserved and it is finally nice to know even after being knocked so low that I don't need it anymore and I am so glad that she walked out that door. Jon York 2012