I am sorry that I do not love you. I am sorry that I have never loved you. I am sorry that I use food as a weapon. An arsenal packed with things that you cannot have. I am sorry that I am always counting. That even when I say I have stopped I am still counting. I am sorry that an apple is not an apple, but 95 calories. Food is not nutrition but a number. I am sorry that you have gone hungry in a house full of food. The cupboards call to you but I stay put, Hunger keeps you safe. I am sorry that I have hurt you more than anyone else. I am sorry that I don't care. Your well being is not my top priority. I am sorry that I do jumping jacks until I faint. Drink cups of dirt tasting tea. Pretend to enjoy skim milk. All to be thin. I am sorry that after all this you are still not thin. No matter what I do you are not thin. I count, I cry, I run. You are not thin. I am sorry that thin is your new purpose. You wanted to be a teacher. Now you are the monster I created. Trapped in the corner of the life I destroyed.. I did this to you. I made you this way. You deserved better.