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May 2012
Sitting here, in a cold sweat,
The words you said, I'll never forget,
Even if I tried, there are the forever remembering lines I drew,
To try to keep from focusing on you,

Now the scars aren't letting me erase,
All the memories I'd rather forget
Now, I lay here in shame, because of all the words you've said,
The words, that replay again and again
In my head,
These words, I'll never forget.

Blade breaks skin,
Out comes all the pain I've so desperately tried toΒ Β hold in,
Now the question remains still,
How deep can I go,
Before I know its real.
Based on a ***** I wish I could ****, considering all she's made me do is **** myself on the inside :/
Johnnie Rae
Written by
Johnnie Rae  25/F/New Jersey
(25/F/New Jersey)   
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