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Jul 2017
Nothing will ever be ‘alright’, not the day, nor the night..
There are better words that we could use to describe our time..
If only we could appreciate it as much as we do these fun rhymes..
No amount of ‘really’s or amount of ‘stuff’ will ever be enough…
Because either we’re enjoying our precious moments, accepting changes as they come..
Or we’re upset over others being upset, and while everyone is yelling, still no movement forward gets done..
We all share more than our small and often simplistic differences…
From the fact that we all have bodies and need air, to the fact that we all have but a small amount of fresh water to share..
These commonalities could become catastrophic, and for many they have been for years…
The reasons we protest, crying for our shared futures, as outside forces make uneducated choices…
I believe there are far more descriptive words that we could be using for this time…
Legends have spoke of a great change, along with it a lesson for the world…
Those great teachers came, in the form of our youngests, and are loud with their tears and messages to share..
During this time many fight, while others observe, as is their duty to watch and preserve..
The road forward will be difficult, as things need to come undone before they can be rebuilt…
But buried like seeds, the collective army of ancestors have kept their word…
We are all part of the great change, the fire breathing bird…
Setting a blaze to the old, in order to rebuild the new…
Our description for this time is hard, but necessary, and it’s a duty that is shared..
Because we are all leaving someone behind, relative or friend..
Because we are all connected to each other, and to this land..
Because we see the problems that no one has taken ownership on..
Because personal responsibility is a fundamental part of belonging to the great mother..
Because in our heart, we are supposed to care for one another…
This is why we need to find the right words to describe this time together.
No lesson should be forgotten, as our indigenous ancestors have reminded..
The stories and legends are needed, as they help guide us all through..
So as we make peace with our troubled past and difficult passage..
And make sustainable progress towards the future..
Let us not forget how far we have come, alone, together, and united. – EM
Elizabeth MacMillan
Written by
Elizabeth MacMillan  31/F/Northern Ontario, Canada
(31/F/Northern Ontario, Canada)   
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