Man cannot live by bread alone Yet souls were sold for food To be enslaved by those who chanted “God is great, God is good” Shackled together With the Devil as their bride In his view they lived In his laughter they died The vortex of inhumanity ****** them to their grave The ship pitched forward without remorse With no wake except an uncaring wave
There is no sound at the bottom of the ocean The moon pulls the tide high with prejudice The flowers wash ashore far from away from hope The barnacles feed at the tomb of injustice
Where hands are extended to one another To touch stone that once was flesh The holiest of the holies rise again In memory of a voyage that we pray was blessed What suffering must a man endure That he cannot rest behind a white picket fence? Instead with nothing to live or die for We wonder of God’s will acting at man’s expense We will never forget our past whether right or wrong And we will plunge the depths to discover what is true No monument at sea will ever forgive our trespasses And no shame will wither away in the ocean blue
Inspired by the underwater statues erected by Jason deCaires Taylor...