Small, oblivious, disgusting. I wasn’t even a person before. Thank God I have a brain that learns, even if it does do so at the speed of a very clever turtle. I walk slowly, but I get there, and when there are no shortcuts, why, I tear them into existence! And when people look at me with scorn in their eyes, I pray to the God in me:
“I am, I am, I am.”
And there! I paint God my own color, and worship no one but my own! My own, my self! The “I”.
Small, oblivious, disgusting. I could not even pray before I became.
Thank God, thank God, thank God I learn.
—*The Poet’s speech in The Child in The Dark, (1956), L
- - - - I have a blog where I post excerpts from books. These books do not exist. The titles, content and year the books were published are part of the piece itself.