I know she's still in there. That little voice inside my head. I know she's still in there even though I've told everyone she's dead. It's always been safer for her. To keep her locked away. Until I met this man. He made her want to play. There was something about this man. She just couldn't explain. The way he looked into her eyes. Or maybe the way he would say her name. She couldn't hide her anymore, that little voice inside her head. The one she said was dead. For when she looked into his eyes she knew. That he was every dream she had. Every dream that could come true. Now that voice is screaming! Let me out to play! She yells at me that it is safer now. And I am left wondering how?? How did this man find you? I hid you so well. And now I am left wondering. How does he know me so well? Then I look into his eyes and it happens all over again. The voice is screaming at me. He is who I'm looking for! He will keep me safe and show me love. You have to let me free. It it his him that adore!