The echoes of silence whisper Before you first kiss her And the cruel love vender Tempts you with splendor. With a touch so tender An elephant won’t remember.
What’s to remember? After the three words she’ll whisper With a look so tender Directions to kiss her And feeling of splendor From this stomach butterfly vender.
The memory vender Will cause you to constantly remember The way she makes you feel splendor. Sorrow is at a whisper And it’s silent when you kiss her And lock hands tight and tender.
Love is a butterfly beautiful and tender, Sold carefully by a careless vender. Pitching his sale every time you kiss her With his silver tongue you won’t remember, Love can hurt, cuts can be made out of a whisper But even roses have thorns and sorrow its splendor.
How come I feel splendor When my words touch tender Like the hand of a whisper And the feel good vendor Sales. She’ll always remember The way you make her feel when you kiss her.
So never forget to kiss her. Because it makes her feel splendor And will make you both remember Through the touch so tender, Why you sought out the cruel love vendor And can’t keep your three words at a whisper
So kiss her tender, Serenade her with splendor and be the vendor. Make her remember the echoes of silence whisper.