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Jul 2017


                      Hollow breaths

           Blued and grayed skin

    Stretches over expanding rib cage

        Padded microscopic indented tips


                 Move over spherical bone


          Over and over again

               Maybe now she's enough

      Years of being alone,

               Nothing made sense

    Chapped and cracked lips

Break into a smile

              Liquid moisturizes scarce places,

             No longer dry

        He'd prefer her like this,

Something to be proud of

                          She takes a breath,

    Another one,

                   Haggard and labored

      She is frozen
Do they make you proud?
Dive so far in and bring yours out?
Do they light yours up?
Have they added onto the things you should be proud of?
Written by
bluevelvet  24/the same as you
(24/the same as you)   
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