Beelzebub is not a demon, nor a God, nor a fallen angel. Beelzebub is avarice, ****** and lies A symbol of everything wrong with us An unconscious, repressed compromise.
It is easier to believe in demonic spirits Than to accept that the demons may be a part of us.
War is not brought on by spirits It is brought on by scrupleless men. Rights are not swept away or given back In magnanimous, false gestures By Satan, or by Leviathan It is so because of scrupleless men.
Turned against each other, fending for ourselves Told to work to live, to buy our rights back After they stole them from us. One day, the walls of the rich Will not be high enough to keep out the poor. Not all the guns and bullets in the world Can stop people with nothing left to lose.
The demons are the lies We tell ourselves before we sleep They are the comforting untruths That are buried deep.
The demons are the living They are plotting and deceiving Dismantling, bit by bit Every single thing we should stand for.
No spiritual surrender, no quarter We must rise, not bow to law and order. The fate of the world is ours to define It is time to cross, not toe, the line.
With special dedication to the folks at No Spiritual Surrender, and everyone in the world who is fighting the good fight. Thank you.