His war intoxicated special forces enthused him "****** fire is fun, time to bring down all enemies at once and sit quiet free of threats of any kind, would you give the orders oh!commander? We need you only for that one word of consent start to finish it would be us, raining bullets,right away."
'Why think like an employee?'the boss quoth "interested to finish the work at hand and get paid, take a break and sleep,consider elimination a calling so essential and goes on and on Are we the types that lurk in the shadows? we are the other, the ones that chase and hunt, Trapping each in the labyrinth of night,killing one by one let's make it clear,spread darkness so that we can find the enemy, anywhere anytime
A game forever, this is in which figures arms and men band of women love to join can camouflage as men arms,chase,ambush, elimination ,a celebration of revenge, our ideas proliferate,at the speed of wild fire,no respite.