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Jun 2017

feeding my neighbour's dog
                 & swiss cheese...


reading body language in
  a supermarket...
   a bottle of amber bitter in my
hand, a bottle of ***,
  reaching for a bottle of ms. pepsi...
   a woman looking bewildered
or rather scared...
     sort of insinuating
   someone tall enough
  to reach the top shelf
    and pick a pepsi max bottle for
       the conversation went along
the lines of:
- just one?
- yes.
      the simpler the deed, the greater
the pleasure,
             and it's the sort of pleasure
that's self-righteous, pompous,
            and greedy in
combating dips into depression
  that so many people seem to experience
these days...
       that's it... i was just taller,
and all i did was take a bottle of pepsi
from the top shelf,
    i might as well have saved
a drowning child,
         or a man trapped on rails
        of the underground...
                       but... since the gesture
was so obsolete, i didn't have
to bother myself with expecting
the other to notice me,
   while performing a "heroic" /
                        selfless act...
  **** me...
         little gestures,
  or in general: tact...
                 can always overpower
                      those grander gestures;
and ****, you can gloat in
            being so full-of-yourself
    that, nothing really correlates
     more pleasurably,
in any form of a "guilty" pleasure
    being minded as a "guilt" / pleasure.
                or a "pleasure" / guilt
as thus divulged;
       when talking to me, please bury
the crucifix, and resurrect
        the tetragrammaton
or at least make the
                 compass acronym
  north east west south
         remotely interesting
                      on the local stratum.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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