On black ground Pennsylvania coal miners obey admiralty laws for hidden within the walls of malls lives a Roman deity of ***** ***** Upon hallowed plots Pennsylvania's ministers praise common laws but far below the stalls in malls are 666 patron saints of ***** ***** Above ground coal miners obey admiralty laws but underground in masonical halls mit dolls are U.M.W.'s patriotically-red cruel claws Parkinson's hypokinetical rigid syndrome pulls Linda Ronstadt free to fire hospice ovens on diesel fuel, polystyrene & tinder constantly Since hefty Linda's condition was mildly diagnosed as syndromical she's maintained a stiff upper lip for farting at crap deemed comical 'cause Hershey Highway-ridin' Jerry Brown ******* hetero-erotical like the time **** Jerry Brown **** behaved vaguely hetero-erotical like when queer-praisin' Jerry Brown **** schtupped hetero-erotical like the night unwiped-*** Jerry Brown **** ****** hetero-erotical like the time raunchy **** Jerry Brown **** ****** hetero-erotical like when queer-baiting Jerry Brown **** schtupped hetero-erotical like the time tricky-**** Jerry Brown **** schtupped hetero-erotical for ***** enemas made Bill McKinley's state more cryptographical from a bad case of diarrhea that trotted towards the nympholeptical in sing-along songs longer than over-done operas overtly operatical that somehow draw parallels that ain't Manson Family congenerical I hurled puke as churlish, Polynesical squaws vomited spoken lines from monkeyhood to manhood via monkeyshines for broken spines Sue wouldn't mistake my army boot for a tennis shoe nor repeat the Ted Bundy snafu: I love you & want to bury you, I mean marry you Bad train derailments are too common where an icy rail jogs whilst Alaskan searchers can't find Earl Warren Commission's Hale Boggs whose airplane crashed 'cause he didn't like cereals called Kellogg's Special K that constipates whales so as to stiffen inner whale clogs, intestinal obstructions & Nile fever among thoroughbred male dogs & grade-A Cornish CX meat kings, Wagyū cows & large, pale hogs that forage like Pinoys through rancid garbage & gnaw on trail logs in a drunken torpor, stupefied from cheap-skate, Cebu bar ale grogs served by Turkic, skinny-dipping gals in whom a red-love well sogs as the aura of heaven brightens & clarifies, the haziness of hell fogs & toxifies quagmires & streams killin' mountain toads & vale frogs in a world that forced Joan Crawford to fight tough guy & gal trogs wainwrights know hubs'll spin freely for folks who do not nail cogs down while steadily puking egg triumphant nogs over egg fail nogs My bones are big, metabolism is slow & prostate is retention-proof on this structurally-sound, adequately-trussed, high-suspension roof After a busy Sabbath-mistaken Sunday I beheld lunar-dead monday like would a college student slaughtered by electrocuted Ted Bundy in the presence of a priest diseased from a Loredo beet-red-nun date America worships the highest-rankin' Catholic like an unfed prelate who howls Bud Abbott rabid & acts more dumber than **** Cavett whose attenuatin' emotions are their strangest in bakers' bun classes beyond the old-dirt-road remissions of a patsy in fakers' sun glasses among true adherents & sad congregants poking Quakers' fun ***** while disseminatin' heresy to gun-grabbers at the pope's gun masses like heretic John Pope had at Bull Run's Second Battle of Manassas