. Some nights the sky is awash with pretty little lights Each twinkle a reminder of your captivating eyes The magic of your soul The beauty of your life
Some nights the heavens Mournfully rain sorrow into the ground that is a million hearts Affected by your being here And within the same ones A jagged streak of dysphoria Brilliant, shocking and blinding lightening Pummels down on the beaten souls below And for a brief moment the world is ablaze with you once more There is no need for a coping mechanism then The thunder is the rumble of a Love quivering in the pit of your stomach, Feather strokes of tingling passions burning somewhere inside Always Requited
And there are some nights, Some nights where the full moon Bathes the entire lands beneath With a guiding spark I associate only with you Moonlight of guidance, kindness and love And it's in those nights My atriums burst, and synapses devour all that surrounds me And I weep a river On the the land of my pillow An earthquake of sobs Masking the tell tale sounds of a breaking heart And I am reminded once more of you Because you are my Ramadan, So poignantly true, and clear of a message Of peace and unity And THAT is what makes you so dear to me