When i was little I looked up to you. Sometimes i wonder how you were. How could one person be so filled with good. I always said i wanted to be like you. Not the sarcastic way. The sincere way.
You taught me how to pray, how to fear God. How to be a better human, to be nice. To cook ,clean and make a healthy home. How to live with people. How to thrive.
All my life I never saw you angry or conniving. I can say I've met a person so perfect. You were so nice to me. I worry i'm not living up to you. How did you do it. Being so perfect.
When the world said I was not good. You didn't believe them, you had hope instead. You believed in me too much I decided to be that person you thought i was. I loved you. I love you still. Sometimes I think its forever.
They say people move on. But how can I move on from you. I try to be like you. Sometimes I think I'm making progress. Sometimes I think i'm failing. You are proof that people can be good. People can be perfect.
Years have gone by. I still look for your face in a crowd. I want to remember your voice. I want to remember you forever. I love you still... But slowly by slowly.... I'm afraid I forget you.